Pastoral Staff
Craig Hurley
Senior Pastor
Contact Information for Pastor Hurley
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 7
Contact Information for Susan Hurley
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 1
Pastor Craig Hurley began serving at Grace Baptist Church as Associate Pastor in 2001. When Pastor Charles Whitfield retired in 2013, Pastor Craig was called to serve as Senior Pastor. He began his ministry as a pastor of a Deaf Church in California. He then served as an Associate Pastor in North Carolina before coming to Grace. His greatest joy is found in unfolding the truths of the Bible and seeing God work to save and change lives for the glory of God.
Pastor Craig grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ as a child. The Lord called him to preach when he was in high school. He earned his B.A. and M.Div. degrees at Bob Jones University. He and his wife Susan have three adult children and seven grandchildren.
Susan accepted Christ as her Savior as a young child. At summer camp, she dedicated her life to serve the Lord and since then He has opened a variety of doors of service. She loves teaching the ladies’ Bible study and working with children in AWANA. She has served as Secretary at Grace Baptist Church since 2018.
Brian Holloway
Music Pastor
Contact Information
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 6
Brian was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as his Savior when he was twelve years of age. He attended a Christian college where he received undergraduate degrees in Music Education and Piano Pedagogy, as well as a graduate degree in Church Music. Involved in music education and church music for over 30 years, Brian was called to be the Music Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in 2015.
His desire is to lead the worship service through music that directs people to a true Biblical knowledge of God, so they can love and worship LORD as He reveals Himself in the Scriptures.
Brian and Fauna have been married for over thirty years and have nine children: five married, one in Christian college, and three in high school. They have two grandchilden. Fauna homeschooled their children for many years and now is a second grade teacher in a local Christian school. Brian and Fauna both enjoy cooking, as well as classical and God-honoring sacred music.
Nate Eldridge
Youth Pastor
Contact Information
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 5
Nate was raised in a Christian home and was saved as a child. He surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s leading to gospel ministry while in high school and received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Bob Jones University. Since 2014 Nate has been the Youth Pastor at Grace Baptist Church, where he oversees the children and youth ministries and preaches regularly to the teens and the congregation.
Pastor Nate is burdened to help families to grow in the Lord through a proper understanding of God’s Word. He is also passionate about ministering God’s sufficient Word through biblical counseling.
Nate and Cheryl have been married for over thirteen years and have four children at home. Nate loves to spend time with his family and is currently restoring his late grandfather’s motorcycle and a long-term project car.
Support Staff
Shawna Fenner
Bookkeeper, Webmaster & Graphic Designer
Contact Information
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 2
Shawna accepted Christ and became a member at Grace in 1986. She began to teach at Birmingham Bible Institute in 1988 and joined the church staff part-time in 1994, assisting in a variety of areas as needed. Shawna manages the bookstore, assumed responsibility for graphic design and the church websites in 2015, and became the bookkeeper in 2016.
Shawna earned an A.B. from Oberlin College, both an M.Ed. and a Ph.D. from Wayne State University, and 84 credits at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Her desire is to serve and magnify the Lord with enthusiasm as she carries out her duties here at Grace.
Garry Zellers
Building Superintendent
Contact Information
Phone: (248) 646-2000 ext. 3
Garry and his wife, Gail, have been members of Grace since 1982. Garry has been on staff since 1998. He is currently the church pianist and frequent soloist, and works in and with various vocal groups at Grace.
Garry holds a B.R.E. degree from Midwestern Baptist College, where he graduated in 1981. Garry and Gail have two married sons, who are both in the ministry, and six grandchildren. Garry counts it a joy and blessing to be able to serve the Lord through music.